
Showing posts from March, 2018

Basic math sums grade 10


STD X - Date: 19/03/2018

Social Science - Read Politics Ch-1 Power sharing Math - Do all 20 sums given in the class (if not copid in class refer to the sums put up on the blogspot) Science - Read and prepare 1.1 of chapter 1 Chemical Reaction and Equation

Politics ch1 Power sharing notes

Ch-1 Politics Power sharing Notes  power sharing - When the power does not rest with any one organ of the state rather it is shared amont legislature , executive and judiciary. Ethnic composition in Belgium Ø   Belgium is a small country in Europe . Ø   Smaller in area than state of Haryana –population just over one crore Ø   It has border joining France , Netherland, Germany and luxemberg Ø   59% livesin Flemish region and speaks Dutch Ø   40 % live in Walonia and speaks French Ø   1% German Ø   French speaking minority and Dutch speaking majority Ø   In capital city Brussel Ø   80 % French speaking and Ø   20% Dutch speaking Ø   Minority French speaking community was very rich & powerful and dominated Dutch speaking community. Ø   This was resented by Dutch speaking community who got aeudcation and economic development much later. Ø   This created tension betn both the communities. Ø   In capital city problem was more intense as French speaking

Message from CBSE Chairperson wishing std 10 students for exam.
