
Showing posts from May, 2018

Ch-2 Politics Federalism notes

Ch- 2 politics Federalism Federalism ·          It is a system of govt. in which the power is dividied betn a central authority and various constituents units of the country . Power is shared among central govt. and various states, regional and local govt. .Both central and and non-central govt are answerable to the citizen of the country who lelect them. Unitary vs. Federal ·          Unitary govt.-Either there is only one level of govt. or- sub units are subordinates to the central govt. . . Central govt. can pass on orders to the provincial or the local govt. ·          Federal system, the central govt. cannot order the state govt. to do something. State govt. has power of its own .It is not answerable to central govt. Both state and central govt. are answerable to people. Features of Federalism ·          2 or more levels of govt. ·          Each tier has its own jurisdiction in specific matters of legislation, taxation and administration ·          Jur

History Ch - 1 Nationalism in Europe notes

Chapter-1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Frederic Sorrieu’ dream on Nationalism          In 1848, FrédéricSorrieu, a French artist, prepared a series of four prints visualising his dream of a world made up of ‘democratic and social Republics’.      It shows the peoples of Europe and America marching in a long train, and offering homage to the statue of Liberty as they pass by it. 3.     On the earth in the foreground of the image lie the shattered   remains of the symbols of absolutistinstitutions. 4.       United States and Switzerland, which by this time were already nation-states. France has just reached the statue. 5.        Following the French people, peoples of Germany, Austria, Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, Lombardy, Poland, England, Ireland, Hungary and Russia are marching in the long train. From the heavens above, Christ, saints and angels gaze upon the scene. Nation-state Nation-statewas one in which the majority of itscitizenscame to develop