Ch-2 Politics Federalism notes

Ch- 2 politics Federalism

·         It is a system of govt. in which the power is dividied betn a central authority and various constituents units of the country . Power is shared among central govt. and various states, regional and local govt. .Both central and and non-central govt are answerable to the citizen of the country who lelect them.
Unitary vs. Federal
·         Unitary govt.-Either there is only one level of govt. or- sub units are subordinates to the central govt. . . Central govt. can pass on orders to the provincial or the local govt.
·         Federal system, the central govt. cannot order the state govt. to do something.
State govt. has power of its own .It is not answerable to central govt.
Both state and central govt. are answerable to people.

Features of Federalism
·         2 or more levels of govt.
·         Each tier has its own jurisdiction in specific matters of legislation, taxation and administration
·         Jurisdiction of each level are specified in the constitution and each level is constitutionally guaranteed.
·         Fundamental provision of constitution cannot be unilaterally changed. Such change require consent of both levels of govt.
·         Courts have the power to interpret the constitution and power of govt at diff. levels . The highest court acts as umpire if disputes arise in the exercise of their respective powers.
·         Sources of revenues for each level of govt are specified to ensure the financial autonomy.
Federal system has dual objective
·         To safeguard and provide unity of country
·         To accommodate regional diversity.

2 kinds of routes through which federations have been formed.
-       Coming together  federation -Independent states coming together to form bigger unit. As in USA Switzerland U and Australia.
-       Holding together federation -Second route is where a large country decides to divide its power betn the constituent states and national govt. The holding together federation are found in India, Spain and Belgium.
India is federal country.
After independence India princely states became part of a country.. Constitution declared India as a union of states. Constitution provided 2 tier system central govt and state govt. Later on 3rd tier was added Panchayati Raj or municipalities.
The constitution of India provides three –fold distribution of legislative powers between union and state govt. It contains three list
Union list It includes subject of national importance. Defence foreign affairs , banking , currency an communication
State list –matters of state level importance police , trade agriculture , commerce and irrigation.
Concurrent list includes common interest of both central and state govt. eg marriage education,forest, and trade
In case of conflict the decision of Union govt. will prevail.
Subject which do not fall in any of this list come under residuary subject like computer software that came after constitiuion was made
Union govt. has power to legislate on residuary subject
·         Unequal power to diff state. Some exceptional states like J and K has its own constitution. Manyu provisions of constitution are not application to this stae without the approval of  state assembly
·         Many states like Chandigarh or Lashwadeep or capital of Delhi are called union territories  do not have powers of state. The central govt has specila power in running these states.

How is Federalism practiced?
1.    Linguistic states – In 1947 the boundaries of several old states of India changed in order to create new states. People who spoke same language lived in same state. Some states were created to recognize differences based on culture , ethiniciy or geography.
2.    Centre state relation in India. Earlier in India Same party ruled at the centre and state level. State govt. did not have autonomus power.
But after 1990 there was rise of regional political partiesin many staes of the country.
-this gave rise to coalition govt.
This was also the era of coalition govt at the centre. Since no single party got clear majority in Lok Sabha, the major national parties had to enter into an alliance with many parties, including many several regional parties tyo form govt. at the centre. This led to new culture of power sharing and respect for autonomy of state govt
3.    Language policy
Our constitution has not given the status of national language to any one language.
4.    The constitutional amendmentIn 1992 The constitution was amended in 199 to make theird tierof govt. more powerful and effective. Local self govt. known as panchayati raj
5.    Local govgovt. Bodies in urban areas. In towns municipal corporation and in big cities theses are municipal corporations.

Decentralization- (The power taken away from the central and state government  and given to the local government that is called decentralization.)
Why is it important to have a local government?
(The problems are easier to settle on a local level, people at that level have a better idea on
approaching and solving a particular matter.)


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