Revised syllabus 2020-21

 Revised syllabus


CBSE Revised English Syllabus 2020-21 vide Circular dated 7 July 2020

Std: X

Subject: English

Text Book: First Flight

Supplementary Reader: Footprints Without Feet


Kindly note:

1. The omitted topics are struck off in red.

2. The omitted subtopics are listed in red.

3. The portion for the examinations mentions only the final topics.

4.The topics marked in yellow will be additionally sent.

5. There is no clarity given by the board on the topics marked in blue.


Name of the Chapters

Omitted Subtopics

1)     A Letter to God


2)     Dust of Snow


3)     A Triumph of Surgery


4)     Tenses


5)     Letters of Complaint


6)     Nelson Mandela


7)     Fire and Ice


8)     The Thief’s Story


9)     Modals


10) Gap Filling/Editing or Omission/Sentence Reordering 1


11) Unseen Comprehension 1


12) Class Test 1


13) Two Stories About Flying


14) A Tiger In the Zoo


15) The Midnight Visitor


16) Subject Verb Concord


17) Short Story Writing


18) Unseen Comprehension 2


19) Class Test 2


20) From the Diary of Anne Frank


21) How to Tell Wild Animals


22) A Question of Trust


23) Determiners


24) Letters of Inquiry


25) The Hundred Dresses – I


26) The Ball Poem


27) Gap Filling/Editing or Omission/Sentence Reordering 2


28) Unseen Comprehension 3


29) Class Test 3


30) The Hundred Dresses – II   


31) Amanda


32) Footprints Without Feet


33) Conjunctions 


34) Article Writing


35) Glimpses of India


36) Animals


37) The Making of a Scientist


38) Prepositions


39) Gap Filling/Editing or Omission/Sentence Reordering 3  


40) Unseen Comprehension 4  


41) Class Test 4


42) Mijbil the Otter


43) The Trees


44) The Necklace


45) Letters for placing an order 


46) Reported Speech


47) Unseen Comprehension 5 Case-based factual passage (with visual input-statistical data, chart, etc.)


48) Class Test 5


49) Madam Rides the Bus


50) Fog


51) The Hack Driver


52) Use of Passive Voice (Analytical Paragraph: Writing an analytical paragraph based on a given outline/data chart/cues)


53) Letters to the Editor


54) Unseen Comprehension


55) Class Test 6


56) The Sermon at Benares


57) The Tale of Custard the Dragon


58) Bholi


59) Clauses


60) Short Story


61) The Proposal


62) For Anne Gregory


63) The Book that Saved the Earth


64) Gap Filling/Editing or Omission/Sentence Reordering 4


65) Unseen Comprehension 7 Case-based factual passage (with visual input-statistical data, chart, etc.)


66) Class Test 7



Portion for the Written Examination

Pre Mid Term Test (25% of the syllabus)

Reading: Comprehension (Discursive passage and Case-based factual passage (with visual input-statistical data, chart, etc.)


1.      Formal Letter of Complaints

2.      Short story writing

3.      Analytical Paragraph


1.      Tenses

2.      Modals

3.      Subject Verb Concord


1.      A Letter to God

2.      Nelson Mandela

3.      Two Stories About Flying


1.      Dust of Snow

2.      Fire and Ice

3.      A Tiger In the Zoo

Supplementary Reader:

1.      A Triumph of Surgery

2.      The Thief’s Story

Mid Term Test (50% of the syllabus)

Reading: Comprehension (Discursive passage and Case-based factual passage (with visual input-statistical data, chart, etc.)



1.      Formal Letter of Complaints

2.      Short story writing

3.      Letters of Inquiry

4.      Article Writing

5.      Analytical Paragraph


1.      Tenses

2.      Modals

3.      Subject Verb Concord

4.      Determiners

5.      Conjunctions


1.      A Letter to God

2.      Nelson Mandela

3.      Two Stories About Flying

4.      From the Diary of Anne Frank

5.      The Hundred Dresses - I

6.      The Hundred Dresses – II

7.      Glimpses of India


1.      Dust of Snow

2.      Fire and Ice

3.      A Tiger In the Zoo

4.      The Ball Poem

5.      Amanda

6.      Animals

Supplementary Reader:

1.      A Triumph of Surgery

2.      The Thief’s Story

3.      Footprints Without Feet

4.      The Making of a Scientist

Post Mid Term Test (75% of the syllabus)

Reading: Comprehension (Discursive passage and Case-based factual passage (with visual input-statistical data, chart, etc.)



1.      Formal Letter of Complaints

2.      Short story writing

3.      Letters of Inquiry

4.      Article Writing

5.      Letters for placing an order

6.      Letters to the Editor

7.      Analytical Paragraph


1.      Tenses

2.      Modals

3.      Subject Verb Concord

4.      Determiners

5.      Conjunctions

6.      Reported Speech


1.      A Letter to God

2.      Nelson Mandela

3.      Two Stories About Flying

4.      From the Diary of Anne Frank

5.      The Hundred Dresses - I

6.      The Hundred Dresses - II

7.      Glimpses of India

8.      Madam Rides the Bus


1.      Dust of Snow

2.      Fire and Ice

3.      A Tiger In the Zoo

4.      The Ball Poem

5.      Amanda

6.      Animals

Supplementary Reader:

1.      A Triumph of Surgery

2.      The Thief’s Story

3.      Footprints Without Feet

4.      The Making of a Scientist

5.      The Necklace

6.      The Hack Driver

Pre Board (100% of the syllabus)

Reading: Comprehension (Discursive passage and Case-based factual passage (with visual input-statistical data, chart, etc.)



1.      Formal Letter of Complaints

2.      Short story writing

3.      Letters of Inquiry

4.      Article Writing

5.      Letters for placing an order

6.      Letters to the Editor

7.      Analytical Paragraph


1.      Tenses

2.      Modals

3.      Subject Verb Concord

4.      Determiners

5.      Conjunctions

6.      Reported Speech


1.      A Letter to God

2.      Nelson Mandela

3.      Two Stories About Flying

4.      From the Diary of Anne Frank

5.      The Hundred Dresses - I

6.      The Hundred Dresses - II

7.      Glimpses of India

8.      Madam Rides the Bus

9.      The Sermon at Benares

10. The Proposal


1.      Dust of Snow

2.      Fire and Ice

3.      A Tiger In the Zoo

4.      The Ball Poem

5.      Amanda

6.      Animals

7.      The Tale of Custard the Dragon

Supplementary Reader:

1.      A Triumph of Surgery

2.      The Thief’s Story

3.      Footprints Without Feet

4.      The Making of a Scientist

5.      The Necklace

6.      The Hack Driver

7.      Bholi




Social Science


CBSE Syllabus 2020-21

Std: X

Subject: Social Science

Text Book:

India and the Contemporary World – II

Contemporary India – II

Democratic Politics – II

Understanding Economic Development


Topic/Ch. No.

Name of the Chapters


1)     History:  Rise of Nationalism In Europe


2)     Geography: Resources and Development


3)     Class Test 1


4)     Political Science: Power Sharing


5)     History: Nationalism In India


6)     Political Science: Federalism


7)     Economics: Development


8)     Class Test 2


9)     History: The Making Of A Global World


10) History: The Age Of Industrialisation


11) Class Test 3


12) Geography: Water Resources– ONLY MAP WORK


13) Geography: Agriculture


14) Economics: Sectors Of Indian Economy


15) Class Test 4


16) Geography:  Minerals And Energy Resources– ONLY MAP WORK


17) Political Science: Political Parties


18) Economics: Money And Credit


19) Class Test 5


20) Geography: Manufacturing Industries


21) Political Science: Outcomes Of Democracy


22) Economics:Globalisation and the  Indian Economy


23) Geography: Lifelines Of National Economy


24) Class Test 6


Kindly Note:



Portion for Written Examination

Pre Mid Term Test (25% of the syllabus)

1.      History: The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

2.      History: Nationalism in India

3.      Political Science:  Power sharing

4.      Political Science: Federalism

5.      Geography: Resources and Development

6.      Economics: Development

Mid Term Test (50% of the syllabus)

1.      History: The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

2.      History: Nationalism in India

3.      Political Science:  Power sharing

4.      Political Science: Federalism

5.      Geography: Resources and Development

6.      Economics: Development

7.      History: The Making of a Global World


8.      History: The Age of Industrialisation

9.      Geography: Agriculture

10. Economics: Sectors of the Indian Economy

(Note:The chapters History: The Making of a Global WorldORThe Age of Industrialisation will only be tested in this exam as given by the CBSE and will not be tested in any further examinations.)

Post Mid Term Test (75% of the syllabus)

1.      History: The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

2.      History: Nationalism in India

3.      Political Science:  Power sharing

4.      Political Science: Federalism

5.      Geography: Resources and Development

6.      Economics: Development

7.      Geography: Agriculture

8.      Geography: Water Resources– ONLY MAP WORK

9.      Economics: Sectors of the Indian Economy

10. Political Science: Political Parties

11. Geography: Minerals and Energy Resources– ONLY MAP WORK

12. Geography: Manufacturing Industries

13. Economics: Money and Credit

Pre Board(100% of the syllabus)

1.      History: The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

2.      History: Nationalism in India

3.      Political Science:  Power sharing

4.      Political Science: Federalism

5.      Geography: Resources and Development

6.      Economics: Development

7.      Geography: Agriculture

8.      Geography: Water Resources– ONLY MAP WORK

9.      Economics: Sectors of the Indian Economy

10. Political Science: Political Parties

11. Geography: Minerals and Energy Resources– ONLY MAP WORK

12. Geography: Manufacturing Industries

13. Economics: Money and Credit

14. Political Science: Outcomes of Democracy

15. Geography: Lifelines of the National Economy

16. Economics: Globalisation and the Indian Economy



CBSE Revised Science Syllabus 2020-21 vide Circular dated 7 July 2020

Std: X

Subject: Science

Text Book: Science Textbook for Class X


Kindly note:

1. The omitted topics are struck off in red.

2. The omitted subtopics are listed in red.

3. The portion for the examinations mentions only the final topics.


Name of the Chapters

Omitted Subtopics

1)     Ch 1: Chemical Reactions and Equations


2)     Ch. 12:  Electricity


3)     Ch. 6: Life Processes


4)     Ch 2: Acids, Bases and Salts


5)     Ch 3: Metals and Non - metals

Basic metallurgical process; corrosion and its prevention

6)     Ch. 14: Sources of Energy


7)     Ch 7: Control and Coordination


8)     Ch. 13: Magnetic Effects of Electric Current

Electric Generator, Direct current. Alternating current: frequency of AC. Advantage of AC over DC, Domestic electric circuits

9)     Ch 4: Carbon and its Compounds

nomenclature of carbon compounds containing functional groups (halogens, alcohol, ketones, aldehydes, alkanes and alkynes)

difference between saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons

chemical properties of carbon compounds (combustion, oxidation, addition and substitution reaction)

ethanol and ethanoic acid

soaps and detergents

10) Ch. 8: How do Organisms Reproduce?


11) Ch. 9: Heredity and Evolution

Basic concepts of evolution

12) Ch. 10: Light - Reflection and Refraction


13) Ch. 11: The Human Eye and the Colourful World

Functioning of a lens in Human eye, defects of vision and their corrections, applications of spherical mirrors and lenses.

14) Ch 5: Periodic Classification of Elements


15) Ch. 15: Our Environment


16) Ch. 16: Sustainable Management of Natural Resources

To be done as internal assessment only.


17) Revision


18) Practice of Past Papers



Portion for the Written Examination

Pre-Mid Term Test (25% of the syllabus)

1.      Ch. 1: Chemical Reactions and Equations

2.       Ch. 6: Life Processes

3.       Ch. 12: Electricity

Mid Term Test (50% of the syllabus)

1.      Ch. 1: Chemical Reactions and Equations

2.       Ch. 6: Life Processes

3.       Ch. 12: Electricity

4.      Ch. 2: Acid, Bases and Salts

5.      Ch. 3: Metals and Non – metals

6.      Ch. 13: Magnetic Effects of Electric Current

7.      Ch. 8: How do Organisms Reproduce?

Post Mid Term Test (75% of the syllabus)

1.      Ch. 1: Chemical Reactions and Equations

8.      Ch. 6: Life Processes

2.      Ch. 12: Electricity  

3.      Ch. 2: Acid, Bases and Salts

4.      Ch. 3: Metals and Non – metals

5.      Ch. 13: Magnetic Effects of Electric Current

6.      Ch. 4: Carbon and its Compounds

7.      Ch. 8: How do Organisms Reproduce?

8.       Ch. 9: Heredity and Evolution

9.      Ch. 10: Light - Reflection and Refraction

10. Ch. 11: The Human Eye and the Colourful World

Pre-Board (100% of the syllabus)

1.      Ch. 1: Chemical Reactions and Equations

2.       Ch. 6: Life Processes

3.      Ch. 12: Electricity  

4.      Ch. 2: Acid, Bases and Salts

5.      Ch. 3: Metals and Non – metals

6.      Ch. 13: Magnetic Effects of Electric Current

7.      Ch. 4: Carbon and its Compounds

8.      Ch. 8: How do Organisms Reproduce?

9.       Ch. 9: Heredity and Evolution

10. Ch. 10: Light - Reflection and Refraction

11. Ch. 11: The Human Eye and the Colourful World

12. Ch. 5: Periodic Classification of Elements

13. Ch. 15: Our Environment



CBSE Revised Mathematics Syllabus 2020-21 vide Circular dated 7 July 2020

Std: X

Subject: Mathematics

Text Book: NCERT Mathematics Textbook for class X


Kindly note:

1. The omitted subtopics are listed in red.

2. The portion for the examinations mentions only the final topics.


Name of the Chapters

Omitted Subtopics

1)     Ch 1. Real Numbers

Euclid’s division lemma

2)     Ch 2. Polynomials

Statement and simple problems on division algorithm for polynomials with real coefficients

3)     Ch 3. Pairs of Linear Equations in Two Variables

Cross multiplication method

4)     Ch 6. Triangles

Proof of the following theorems

       The ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the ratio of the squares of their corresponding sides.

        In a triangle, if the square on one side is equal to sum of the squares on the other two sides, the angles opposite to the first side is a right angle.

5)     Ch 8. Introduction to Trigonometry

motivate the ratios whichever are defined at 0o and 90o   and Trigonometric ratios of complementary angles

6)     Ch 9. Some Applications of Trigonometry


7)     Ch 4. Quadratic Equations

Situational problems based on quadratic equations reducible to quadratic equations

8)     Ch 14. Statistics

Step deviation method for finding the mean,

Cumulative frequency graph

9)     Ch 5. Arithmetic Progressions

Application of Arithmetic progressions in solving daily life problems based on sum of n terms

10) Ch 10. Circles


11) Ch 11. Constructions

Construction of a triangle similar to a given triangle

12) Class Test 1 (Arithmetic Progressions, Circles and Constructions)


13) Ch 15. Probability


14) Ch 7. Co-ordinate geometry

Area of triangle

15) Ch 12. Areas related to Circles

problems on central angle of 120°

16) Ch 13. Surface Area and Volume

Frustum of Cone

17)  Class Test 2 (Probability, Co-ordinate geometry, Areas related to circles and Surface area and volume)



Portion for the Written Examination

Pre Mid Term Test (25% of the syllabus)

1.      Ch 1: Real Numbers

2.      Ch 2: Polynomials

3.      Ch 3: Pairs of Linear Equations in Two Variables 

4.      Ch 6: Triangles

Mid Term Test (50% of the syllabus)

1.      Ch 1: Real Numbers

2.      Ch 2: Polynomials

3.      Ch 3: Pairs of Linear Equations in Two Variables 

4.      Ch 6: Triangles

5.      Ch 8: Introduction to Trigonometry

6.      Ch 9: Some Applications of Trigonometry

7.      Ch 4: Quadratic Equations

8.      Ch 14: Statistics

Post Mid Term Test (75% of the syllabus)

1.      Ch 1: Real Numbers

2.      Ch 2: Polynomials

3.      Ch 3: Pairs of Linear Equations in Two Variables 

4.      Ch 6: Triangles

5.      Ch 8: Introduction to Trigonometry

6.      Ch 9: Some Applications of Trigonometry

7.      Ch 4: Quadratic Equations

8.      Ch 14: Statistics

9.      Ch 5: Arithmetic Progressions

10. Ch 10: Circles

11. Ch 11: Constructions

Pre Board (100% of the syllabus)

1.      Ch 1: Real Numbers

2.      Ch 2: Polynomials

3.      Ch 3: Pairs of Linear Equations in Two Variables 

4.      Ch 6: Triangles

5.      Ch 8: Introduction to Trigonometry

6.      Ch 9: Some Applications of Trigonometry

7.      Ch 4: Quadratic Equations

8.      Ch 14: Statistics

9.      Ch 5: Arithmetic Progressions

10. Ch 10: Circles

11. Ch 11: Constructions

12. Ch 15: Probability

13. Ch 7: Co-ordinate Geometry

14. Ch 12: Areas Related to Circles

15. Ch 13: Surface Areas and Volumes



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