Eng the making of scientist

 The making oi scientist

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Practice sheet for question answer reference

Subject: English

Topic: The Making of a Scientist

Grade: X

Div. : _________

Roll No: _________

Date: ____________


Q 1

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.


So he wrote to Dr Urquhart for ideas and back came a stack of suggestions for experiments. Those kept Ebright busy all through high school and led to prize projects in the county and international science fairs.


Why did Ebright write to Dr Urquhart?


a.      To know more about butterflies.

b.      To appreciate his book.

c.       To ask for ideas for experiments.

d.      For career guidance in the field of science.


What happened when Ebright wrote to Dr. Urquhart?


a.      Dr Urquhart responded back with suggestions for experiments.

b.      Dr Urquhart gave him a free copy of his new book.

c.       Dr Urquhart did not respond back to Ebright.

d.      Dr Urquhart invited him to study the migration of monarch butterflies.


To which field of science has Ebright contributed?     


a.      Biochemistry and Entomology

b.      Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

c.       Biochemistry and Biotechnology

d.      Biochemistry and Zoology


Find a word from the passage which means the same as ‘a pile of something.’


a.      busy

b.      ideas

c.       pile

d.      county




The theory was that viceroys look like monarchs because monarchs don’t taste good to birds. Viceroys, on the other hand, do taste good to birds. So the more they look like monarchs, the less likely they are to become a bird’s dinner.


What did Ebright learn from his failure at the county science fair?


a.      One has to read a lot of General Science books.

b.      One has to do real experiments.

c.       One has to copy the existing experiments.

d.      One has to make a neat display.


Why are Viceroy Butterflies less likely to become a bird’s dinner if they copy the monarchs?


a.      Monarchs look beautiful.

b.      Viceroy Butterflies want to attract birds.

c.       Monarchs apparently do not taste good to birds.

d.      It is the Viceroy Butterflies’ characteristic to copy other insects.


What was the objective of Ebright’s science fair project?


a.      To see whether the birds would eat monarchs.

b.       To see whether eating monarchs was poisonous.

c.       To see whether birds wouldn’t eat monarchs.

d.      To see whether eating monarchs was non poisonous.


Find a word from the extract which means the same as ‘a set of ideas to explain something.’


a.      monarch

b.      theory

c.       viceroy

d.      likely



Q 2

Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each.


What was Ebright’s rare achievement at the age of twenty-two?


At the age of twenty-two, Ebright wrote an article with his friend about a theory of how cells work. The article was published in the scientific journal ‘Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.’ No one had this achievement at such a young age before him.


Why did Ebright lose interest in tagging butterflies?


Ebright raised thousands of butterflies tagged them and released them to study their migration. But soon, he lost interest because only two of his tagged butterflies were returned to him and they had travelled only seventy-five miles.


Why was Ebright’s project on the purpose of the twelve tiny gold spots on a monarch pupa valuable?


Ebright’s project on the purpose of the twelve tiny gold spots on a monarch pupa valuable had a huge impact. First, he discovered a hormone that was necessary for the growth of the pupa. Secondly, he got a chance to work at a famous laboratory.


Why do viceroy butterflies copy the monarch butterflies?


Birds eat viceroy butterflies because they taste good to them, whereas monarch butterflies do not taste good to the birds. So, the viceroys try to copy the monarchs to protect themselves from the birds.



Q 3

Answer the following questions in 100-120 words.


Discuss the role of Ebright’s mother in making him a scientist.


Ebright’s mother played a huge role in making him a great scientist. She would take him on trips to encourage learning. She would buy him all kinds of microscopes, telescopes and other equipment. After dinner, she gave him problems to solve. This helped Ebright to learn a lot. She was his only companion for a long time. It was his mother who got him the book ‘The Travels of Monarch X’. This book opened the world of science for Ebright. She also wrote to Dr Urquhart to guide her son. The scientist helped Ebright and guided him. Thus, his mother actually shaped him into an extraordinary scientist.


Ebright’s study of monarch pupas had a far-reaching impact. Elaborate


For a long time, the scientific community had regarded the bright spots on a monarch pupa as purely ornamental. But Dr Urquhart did not believe it. Nor did Ebright. He started his experiments on the monarch pupa. He built a device with the help of a friend. This led to the discovery of a hormone. Ebright proved that the hormone was necessary for the growth of the butterfly. This discovery got him many honours. Also, it led to another important study. He began working on how cells read their DNA. DNA is the carrier of heredity and it is called the blueprint of life. His theory could find answers to many cancers and diseases.





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