Hist- The making of global world

The making of global world

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Making of a Global World

The various countries of the world are interconnected through trade and through exchange of thoughts 

and cultures. The interconnectedness has increased dramatically in recent times but the world was also 

interconnected even during the days of Indus Valley Civilisation.

Silk Route

The trade route which linked China to the western world and to other countries is called Silk Route. 

There were many Silk Routes. The Silk Routes existed before the Christian Era, and persisted till the 

fifteenth century.

Chinese potteries travelled from China to other countries through the Silk Route. Similarly, gold and 

silver travelled from Europe to Asia through this route.

Religions; like Christianity, Islam and Buddhism travelled to different parts of the world through the Silk 

Food Travels:

Noodles travelled from China to different parts of the world. The sevian; which are used in India are 

localized form of noodle. Similarly, spaghetti of Italy is the European version of noodles.

Many common food of today; like potato, chillies, tomato, maize, soya, groundnut and sweet potatoes 

were introduced in Europe after Christopher Columbus accidentally discovered the American continents.

Potato brought dramatic changes for the life of people of Europe. Because of introduction of potato, the 

people in Europe could eat better and could live longer. The peasants of Ireland became so dependent 

on potato that when disease destroyed the potato crop in the mid-1840s, hundreds of thousands died 

The European sailors discovered the sea route to Asia and Americas in the sixteenth century. The 

discovery of new sea route not only helped in expanding the trade but also in European conquest over 

other parts of the world.

America had vast reserves of minerals and there was abundant crop in this continent. The food and 

minerals from America transformed the lives of people in other parts of the world.

By the mid-sixteenth century, the Portuguese and Spanish colonization of America began in a decisive 

way. But the conquest could not be facilitated because of arms and ammunition but because of a 

disease. Europeans had been exposed to small pox and hence they had developed immunity against this 

disease. But the Americans had been isolated from the world and they had no immunity against small 

pox. When the Europeans reached there, they carried the germs of small pox alongwith them. The 

disease wiped off the whole communities in certain parts of America. And thus, the Europeans could 

easily get control of the America.


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